Thursday, January 27, 2011

If it were up to me...

If it were up to me..............the golden rule would be embedded into each of us. Think about it...Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.....treat people better or at least as well as you yourself would like to be treated by others. It makes too much sense to not be mandatory. It should be accompanied with scratch my back and I'll scratch yours. Wouldn't it make sense  if you rubbed your partners feet....that they would turn right around and hook you up too....? OOOh just the thought. Or cooking a great breakfast for you and your Sig, and they come home and flabbergast you with a mouth watering dinner. You go out to the movies, they offer to drive there and you offer to drive  back. At work your colleague forgets his lunch at home, and you share yours or spot them a fiver. Tomorrow they actually pay you back or return the favor.   You want to go out with the girls and your BD offers to watch the week encourage your partner to go hang with the fellas STRESS FREE.  Your sibling is out shopping and sees something you remember you wanted, so they pick it up for you and you actually offer to pay or return the gesture at a later date. I mean every relationship in this world is the epitome of give and take. Friendships, colleagues, lovers, family, etc....I can see it now...everyone is happy, relaxed and feeling good. SCREEEECH.........OK so scratch that. That shits is never going to happen..........but if it were up to totally would all day every day. DAMN REALITY BITES lol

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